About "Catch & Research"

Welcome. I found my passion in ecological economics and fishing. They are all about pursuit of unknown and uncertain objects. I always enjoy the seemingly reckless pursuit itself. This blog is a record of my long journey in research and fishing. Your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Catch & Release manual

When fish are hooked, chaos strikes, too. While fighting, I often forget proper actions for catch and release. Here, I summarized catch and release manual for myself.

Step 1. Determine whether keep the fish or not: I prefer selective harvest: not a giant, nor a dwarf. When I get action, I can determine.

Step 2. Fight quickly: For this, I need to adjust my drag to the maximum limit of my rod and reel setting.

Step 3. Grip under jaw of fish while fish are still in water: I use lip grip for this.

Step 4. De-hook while fish are still in water: One hand holds lip grip, while the other hand holds pliers. Before this job, I need to put my fishing rod down opening the bail arm.

Step 5 (optional for measuring). Lift out the fish while supporting tail part: It helps reducing excessive pressure to the jaw. I need to wet my hand to hold the fish.

Step 6 (optional for measuring). Put the fish on a wet ground: Wet surface protect slime coating.

Step 7. Revive the fish in water by directing its head against current: It allows water running through gills.

Step 8. Release the fish when it starts swimming


Anonymous said...

And what about adding some more illustrations? No offence, content is really nice. But as I’ve heard visitors acquire info much more efficient when they see some useful pics.

Stacy Drawledge
phone scrambler

"Sung" said...

Good point, Stacy. When I have a chance, I will put illustrations or pictures because it is an important topic. Thanks for your interest.